• Reach reporters and producers who’ll care about your vision and accomplishments

  • Build lasting relationships so the media seek you out

  • An effective list is built, not bought. It’s researched and vetted to deliver current reporters in national, trade and local media relevant to your mission and your target audience.

  • A strong pitch starts with research about the target reporter or producer. It’s built on a relevant hook, engaging copy and clear information.

  • Unique, insightful quotes and comments drive media engagement.

  • To catch - or even create - a news cycle, press releases have to be clear, informative and engaging.

Case Study:


An innovator and her team wanted to build media relationships in advance on an expected breakthrough, but they didn’t have a finished product and their technology was complex. Getting reporters’ attention was a challenge, but my expertise helped our team deliver top tier hits and awareness.

  • ◈ Positioned the CEO as a truth-teller, in contrast to tech developers who make overblown promises.

    ◈ Shared the personal motivation behind the client’s critical work, making it clear she was worth getting to know now, in advance of future breakthroughs.

    ◈ Tracked the most important reporters in the space, so our pitches highlighted specific ways she could enhance their coverage.

    ◈ Created a readable fact sheet and coached the client to talk about her technology at different levels of detail.

    ◈ Helped her craft statements in response to news events and hustled to push them out.

    ◈ Used my insights as a former television producer, on the receiving end of countless pitches, myself, to reach reporters and producers in ways they appreciated.

    ◈ Followed up on reporter interest quickly and made sure she was ready to give great interviews when they were ready for her!

In the course of a few months, this client was featured or quoted in Reuters, Business Insider and the Wall Street Journal, and did David Roberts’ hour-long podcast, Volts, to name a few. And on the strength of my effort, a business reporter from the New York Times spent an hour on background with her via Zoom.  When the breakthrough is announced, the press will be primed to give it the attention it will deserve!

The New York Times

The Wall Street Journal


Case Study:


 A senior living community needed fresh press attention while construction was still underway. They hoped an event built around a construction milestone would earn local press to reach new buyers. I delivered coverage in multiple outlets, including a lengthy feature story in a popular local paper.  

  • ◈ Had the marketing director introduce me to two future residents living in a town with a popular local paper.

    ◈ Conducted my own telephone interviews with them and obtained their photos.

    ◈ Delivered the editor customized profile bullet points, numerous quotes and photos, along with details about the senior community-in-progress and their recent event.

    ◈ Followed up with the editor, providing additional photos and quotes he requested.

    ◈ Orchestrated telephone follow up with all outlets on target list to deliver coverage in other outlets, as well.

The payoff for the client was refreshed press attention and an in-depth feature focusing on two enthusiastic buyers.  The payoff for me went beyond that – I met and got to know two vibrant people who generously told me their stories and allowed me to share them!

Other Outlets I’ve Delivered for Clients

Bloomberg Green

Here & Now

CBS News



Sustainable Switch
